Prehistoric Charisma

I had the chance to see the Marabou Stork in Kenya, during a special conservation artist Safari guided by Artist and Naturalist Jan Martin McGuire.

We were able to see this impressive bird at our camp site in Ol’ Pejeta, Sweetwater tented camp. He was always in time for dinner, waiting next to the large glass front of the restaurant and checking out the plates. One day he would appear right in front of my tent and I had time to study him standing just a few feet away. The Marabou Stork belongs to the largest storks in the world and is a scavenger, but of course will kill and eat almost any animal he can swallow. The large bird has a dark back and wings. The plumage around its featherless neck down to the belly is of a dirty white. As the most impressive part, the Marabou Stork has a long and heavy bill. What a charismatic face! For me it was a great subject for a scratchboard work and a very enjoyable process to create this portrait of a unique bird.

To learn more about Ol’ Pejeta conservancy and their work to protect endangered species, please visit:

Ol' Pejeta Conservancy

This Scratchboard work got accepted for the prestigious Artist for Conservation (AFC) annual exhibition 2019 in Vancouver (CA). You can check out the latest events in my NEWS section:

AFC Festival 2019

Artwork & Reproductions

Original Painting

Marabou Stork
9" x 12" | 2019


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