EBBA2 Illustrations

| In Conservation, Publications | Tagged avian art, birds, EBBA2, illustration | by Diana Höhlig

A new European Bird Atlas

I’m addicted to birds and over the last years they have become an important subject in my artworks. My love for these feathered beings grows with every day and this year is going to be really exciting for me on an ornithological aspect.

The European Bird Census Council (EBCC), together with its partners across Europe, plans to produce a new atlas for breeding birds in Europe (EBBA2), to be published in 2020.

To realize this ambitious project the required resources at national and European levels needs funding through partners of the EBBC as well as networking of volunteer citizen, scientists and professional ornithologists across Europe.

Bird Illustrations

Finally, the volume of data collected for the Atlas will make it one of the most comprehensive biodiversity data sets in the world!! Furthermore the decision was made, that illustrations will accompany every species that will be presented in the atlas book.

I’m happy to announce I will support this project by creating a number of bird illustrations for the Atlas! It is truly a honor I was chosen as one of the artists partaking in this project. My illustrations will be published together with the works of some of the most talented illustrators form Europe in the new atlas (EBBA2).

Until the end of this year I will work on many more illustrations and I’m looking forward to share the process with you all. It means so much to me to combine my love for the birds with my art and at the same time giving my part to support an important project with the aim of environmental conservation and education.

For more detailed information about the new European Bird Atlas and support possibilities please visit the official site of EBBA2:

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