Birds in Art - 2021

| In Exhibitions | Tagged avian art, BIA, birds, Birds in Art, Woodson Art Museum | by Diana Höhlig


The Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum presents the exhibition "Birds in Art" held in Wausau, Wisconsin (U.S.A.) from 11th September to 28th November 2021.

Since 1976, Birds in Art has showcased the remarkable talents of more than 1,000 international artists, who have presented their best work interpreting birds and related subject matter.

The annual show of the internationally renowned exhibition celebrates avian marvels through fresh interpretations in original paintings, sculptures, and graphics created within the last three years.

Diana has participated in the international acclaimed Birds in Art exhibition in 2016 and 2017 and was chosen by the jury for the third time with her artwork 'Buoyancy' - Common tern.




Common Tern
Acrylics on Gessoboard
19 x 50 cm | 2020

More about the artwork

BIA - Project Postcard

Project Postcard was initiated by the Woodson Art Museum with the goal to generate funds to acquire more Birds in Art artworks for the permanent collection of the museum. How it works: The artists will create and donate original postcard-sized artworks – and Woodson Art Museum sells them to members and fellow artists. The museum acquired 53 artworks over the past decade, including my painting 'Rustic Residence' -Barn owl - Ink on Clayboard (BIA 2017).

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Comment by William Martin |

Please add me to mailing list. I have been to the event in wausaw and Hastings my....