Bird Race Artist - 2014
| In Awards, Conservation, Publications | Tagged avian art, Bird Race, birding festival, birds, Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, DDA, Illustration | by Diana Höhlig
Birdrace 2014
The main association of the German ornithologists (DDA) is the national conclusion of many regional ornithological associations. The DDA organizes and coordinates several monitoring programs in Germany, par example the monitoring of breeding birds and migrating birds.
Since 2004, the DDA organizes every year the national “birdrace” with the aim, to bring the joy of birding activity together with the charitable work to protect our birds and to increase the public interest for the protection for nature.
The monitoring teams, participating in all parts of Germany, try to observe (optically and/or vocally) as many birds as possible of the duration of one day from dawn to dusk. Therefore a defined area of a rural district is monitored.
Birdrace Illustration
Since 2007, the Birdrace certificate handed out to all participants shows a bird painting contributed by an artist. The birdrace artists often produce the work only for this purpose and it becomes a gift for the association.
Diana Höhlig is the Birdrace artist 2014. She has done a pastel painting of a kittiwake pair; she was able to observe at Heligoland a few years ago. The Birdrace is also combined with a fundraising program for national projects lead by the DDA (par example the further development of the ornithological platform “”). The original pastel painting by Diana Höhlig will become a part of it and a member of the winning Birdrace team will get the work as prize.
Learn more about the DDA association and Birdrace
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