AFC Festival - 2022

| In Exhibitions | Tagged AFC, Artists for Conservation, Canada, Scratchboard | by Diana Höhlig

Artists for Conservation Festival

The Artists for Conservation society is a leading international artist group and the members are recognized for their environmental and conservancy work through the arts. Diana has been invited to become a Signature member with AFC in 2018. This year her art will be included again in the annual Artists for Conservation Festival, which is featuring a world-class conservation themed art exhibit in Vancouver, CA.

Again accepted for LIVE exhibit

On Guard
On Guard

My artwork 'On Guard' (Scratchboard) showing a Columbian Ground Squirrel was selected for the AFC 2022 annual exhibition, held at the VanDusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

This year, 200 artworks by 179 artists from 19 countries were chosen for AFC’s 15th annual exhibit, celebrating artistic excellence in the depiction of nature, raising awareness of conservation issues and supporting organizations dedicated to them. 84 of those artworks have been selected for inclusion in the live exhibit opening this fall.

It is a honor to have my artwork selected by the jurors for the fourth time in a row to take part in the LIVE exhibition.

AFC's annual exhibit is the world's foremost conservation-themed art exhibit in the world today. Each year it assembles many of the world's top nature artists in a common cause for conservation. The show premiers at VanDusen Botanical Gardens in Vancouver, Canada from September 23-26.

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