Tütvogel Evening
Tütvogel Evening
Tütvogel Evening
Tütvogel Evening
Tütvogel Evening

Tütvogel Evening

With the last evening light, the fluting sound of the curlew is heard over the heather. His partner is already waiting in the grassland.

As the German name ‘Brachvogel’ suggests, fallow land like moor, wetlands and extensively managed landscapes are part of its natural habitat. Unfortunately, like for so many bird species, the natural retreats have become rare. Today the breeding ground is lost in many parts of the country because of intensified agriculture and modern land use.

One of the few areas where the curlew can be found as breeding bird is in the heather landscape of ‘Twißelmoor’ in Northern Germany. Time seems to stand still here as the vastness of the landscape stretches to the horizon. In the distance the ‘Tütsberg’ hill rises gently in the evening light. It got that name from the curlew, which is called ‘Tütvogel’ in Low German language because of the birds unique calls.

Soon the old heather church disappears in the shadow of twilight. The small barn with the thatched roof was once built as a shelter for sheep and got its name from the local people due to its shape.

It is one of these summer evenings when the trilling 'tüdelüt' call of the bird echoes wistfully over the heather until the last rays have swept across the land bevor night falls.

Artwork & Reproductions

Original Painting

Eurasian Curlew
Acrylics on Gessoboard
40 x 60 cm | 2021


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