Radiant Presence

Bighorn sheep inhabit the mountain range of western North America. The male animals have big, stately horns, which grow in circular direction. During the mating season the heavy head gear comes in use when rivaling rams collide with their heads during their ongoing fights.

In summer time it is more quiet and I was able to observe some bighorn sheep peacefully grazing in Banff National Park. The bright warm hues of the horn compliment beautifully with the blue tones of the mountain ranges in the hazy distance.


This work got accepted for the prestigious Artist for Conservation (AFC) annual exhibition 2023 in Vancouver (CA). You can check out the latest events in my NEWS section:

AFC Festival 2023

Artwork & Reproductions

Original Painting

Bighorn Sheep
Oil on Gessoboard
9" x 12" | 2022


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